
How can we help you?

Most frequent questions:

  • How can I book an accommodation?

You can make a booking enquiry for any of the properties we offer through this website. Your enquiry will be sent to the Host of the property who will take care of answering you.

  • When should I make the payment? Is it safe?

You will have to agree the payment terms with the host. is not involved in the payment. In order to prevent fraud we advise you to pay with PayPal or similar.

  • Can I modify or cancel a booking?

Yes, you can request a modification to your booking (number of people, dates, etc.) or cancel a booking according to the cancellation policy of the Host.

  • What is the cancellation policy?

You will have to get the cancellation policy from the Host.

  • What does the booking price include? Are cleaning, sheets, towels and taxes included?

You will have to ask the Host what is included in the price. Some Hosts have bed linens, bath towels and tourism taxes included in the price. Some listings charge a final cleaning fee. To know exactly what is included you will have to ask the Host.

  • What is the check-in and check-out time?

You can see the check-in and check-out time on the listing of the property. It will differ from property to property. Subject to availability it may be changed directly with the Host in case you need other check-in/check-out time.

  • How is the check-in process?

You will have to ask the Host and agree with him on the details.

  • Do I have to pay a damage deposit?

You will have to ask the Host if you have to pay a damage deposit. It is not handled by

Do you need any further assistance? Please, contact us